Thursday, September 11, 2008

Critical Analysis

I focus in the # 5 of the ten point agenda of president Gloria Arroyo. Which stated The provision of electricity and water supply to barangay's nationwide. My critical analysis is this, many barangay's in this country still don't have the complete supply of electricity and water, even though their is a budget of this. If there is a supply of water, yet, this contain of dirt or what we called "pito-pito". This can cause disease for us, especially to those malnourished children in barrio-barrio. They don't have enough food and vitamins, then added the not safety government water? what will happen to them? the government is also responsible of this, so they must take some actions.

In electricity? there are some places here in Mindanao which also don't have the supply of electricity. Government keep ignoring this situation, and what is worst of this, is that, those who don't have electricity are those who are in need of this.

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